I love the sounds and sights and contrast of a summer.
Lawn mowers.. and the smell of fresh cut grass.
Water sprinkler first this in the morning light and the smell of water and earth together.
Your water bill to keep it pretty green
Being thankful that it is only 80 degrees in the morning because in in about 2hours or less is will be 100.
Sweating at 730 in the morning just walking outside.
Cute summer clothes and flip flops.
Sounds of kids playing in the evening outside, because evening light last until 930.
The blast of super heated air of your car that has been sitting in a parking lot for maybe 30 mins
A warm summer breeze.
People enjoy water parks.
The wonderful summer sun burn.
Runner and bikers in the evening during the "cool" of the day
Working out in the heat and it is 800pm in the evening and it is still really hot.
Texas summer flower that thrive in the summer heat.
The brown of the lay of the land as you start to head into the July and August.
The sound of sun screamer in the heat of the day.
The summer thunder storm.
The "i cant breath" because of the storms humidity and the natural sauna that you get after the summer storm
Kids out of school for the summer
The "mom, I am so board out of my mind" ... and it is only 2 weeks since school has been out.
Summer vacation!!!
be safe ,have fun, keep in motion !!!