Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Made to Crave week 5 and 6

Week 5 

                                                                       Week 6
What is beneficial to me ... have the courage to walk in boldness in the lifestyle that God has and wants for me. 
It will empower me be the women that God see. 
It will cause me to be determined to be an overcomer 
It will bring peace to my life and the people around me. 
It is the truth that I can be happy, because my happiness come from the Lord. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February challenges

This is February challenges.  I will end up doing this one again, as I have not been faithful in it.
I still have some month left. ��

Made to Crave week 3 and 4

Week 3 and 4

What incredible words of foundation.

I believe week 3 and 4 ... for me were written to break up the foundation of wrong thinking  and relay the correct foundation of thinking.

Week 3 #peace
Showed me that I was nor than a number on a scale. That I can walk in peace knowing that God see me as beautifully and fearful made. That I can have peace, and not fear what other people ( mainly women) think of me or my size or weight.
That I must change my mind set... of fussing a cussing because I cant have that food right now... or that the workout is to hard, and give that over to Lord and rejoice in His walk that he has for me. That I can walk in peace in all areas of my life.

Week 4 #truth


truth ... life is not going to fair..

truth.... I am going to have sticking rotten days.

truth... reaching that goal wont take my problems way.

I will not let others incompleteness or my own incompleteness ....  rule my walk to be complete in the Lord.
I will ask God to show me how to act and not react.

I will tie my happy to God and not to things or people or food.. because I have and they leave me feeling empty or let down.
I will believe the truths over me that the Lord has shown me.
I will NOT believe the lies that keep me incomplete  and walking around that mountain

I am so thankful for the proper foundation in my life.. it will stand the test of time and weather the storms. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Made to Crave week 2 1/26-2/1

This week I have really learned to lean in to the Lord with my craving. I had the determination to pray through my cravings.  I learned last week that I could asked for help with my craving from the Lord. This was my victory this week. I don't fight my battles I let God do that for me. I just need to give it to Him and stand-strong. I fill my self with the word and with His spirit and He does the rest.

I have been trying on my own strength to overcome my cravings and I would just end up giving in most of the time. Then the cycle of self loathing would set in. As you see sometime we can do it on our own strength but the victory is never really won. We seem to have to fight that battle all the time over and over. I didn't want to do that any more. I didn't want to be like the Israelites  in wandering the desert of unbelief and able to crossover to the promise land, because of my own wants of things that are not beneficial to me.

When I called on the Lord to help me with my craving.. it was letting go of my control and letting God.
By letting God take my craving and that fight. I was able to overcome each night. Now I am not sitting here saying it was easy. I am not saying that it was easy, IT WAS NOT. MY FLESH wanted that sweet morsel in the evening.... I had a war going on.... I was not going to fight any longer... It was time to let God fight this battle for me. I just need to turn it over to Him. I prayed, quoted scripture and got busy.

I will not let my circumstance of my past or present define how I am. I am glorious daughter of God, fearfully and wonderfully made.


Ephesians 1-18-23

18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

This is why we can be overcomers. This is why we can walk in victory. This is how we stand strong in the face of our craving, or shortcoming.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Made to Crave Bible Study... week one 1/19-1/25

Made to Crave Bible study has been an eye opener.

My question to me is what do I crave... and why??? good or bad craving ... why???? I am having to be real with this one... NOT EASY! but for change, growth and healthy me... real it is.

We are all made to crave, but what the issues is that we sometimes crave the wrong thing and dont know how to overcome it.

The only way to over come is through the Word, self control, and grace.

What we put into our bodies is what we get out of our bodies .... spiritually and physically.
When I crave the right things. I am happier me.

These 2 go hand in hand.  you need to be healthy in both.
This year my goals is spiritually healthy and along with my physically (see blog post 2014 goals)

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 30day challenges

So this is what I have been doing this month. Let me tell you this is not easy challenges. 
I plan on doing one of these kind of challenges every month. 

 Join me if you like 
Look for next months. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

What is your Goals ....2014

What are your goals for 2014.

Here are my goals

Goals for 2014 
1. FUN ... this will ALWAYS be in my goals. If I am not having fun at what I do I will stop. 

2. 43 min 5K ... and not just a PR time.... I have been coasting at 45min 5K for the last 4years it is time to bump it up in this area.

3. Do more cycle events. I have a Cannondell Caad8. It is time to show it some love, not mention that I love to cycling. 

4. Work on building my muscles... so I don't look all saggy. 

5. Spiritual more grounded and less a worry wort. 

Something new that I will be doing this year are 30day challenges.  I am currently doing an ab, squat, and pushup challenges.