What is the real reason you work out ... according to
LaBrett1. It makes me feel great. Do fuss while doing? Heck yes I do!, but when I am done nothing compares to how I feel.
2. It is a stress reliever for me. Yes!!!It is my outlet to let off some steam. I don't end up taking it out on the family or the pets...
LOL. And yes I get cranking when I cant.
3. I remember that it is not my job. It is my fun. I enjoy the pain of running.. and let me tell you it is pain, running is not my strong workout. I love biking the most. Very freeing to my mind. Even when I push my self to the point of hurling.
LOL. When I remember that it is not my job... it stays fun.
4. I like the way my body looks. I am not a size 5 any more nor do I want to be, but I would like to stay in shape. plus working out let me cheat(so to speak) when I eat that wonderful piece of birthday cake or that southern cooking,. or that yummy burger with all the
fixens. Most day I eat fresh.... 90% is whole food.... but that is another blog.
5. I want to stay healthy. Starting this life style change almost 2yr ago.... I realized that I was not getting any younger, but getting close to the dreaded change of life. Getting out of bed was not as easy as it use to be.
LOL. and 40 seems to be the magic number where your body let you know that .
LOL... just ask anyone that is 40 plus... they will tell you. I want to go through that with a healthy body and mind. On a side note.. my cholesterol has always been on the high side 230 even when I was a size 3. and last year it was 200.
WHOOO HOOOO. My doctor said that it with the way i am going it will be in the 100's in no time. That just goes to show you that size is not what matters. Remember the Lord made us all different sizes... embrace that. It has taken me 40 plus year to realize that... and sometime I have to remind myself of that. But also your body is what you make it!! Think on that for a while.
6. Exercising keeps the aches and pains ... in check. Because when I don't workout.. I start getting stiff.... weird uh!!! ,but talked with others about this they said the same thing. Are my muscles sore with I have pushed to a different level? ... sure .... but that is different than stiff.
7. Get up off your duff and do it. Yes there are days when I
don't want to. Those are the days I fuss the most about it.... but it always makes me feel better. Just remember... it you skip a day...
don't beat your self up.. just pick up the next day. Start with a every 3day workout. It will allow you to easy into it. As it becomes more apart of your daily routine you can add more days.
DON'T over
whelmed yourself .. you will give up if you do... remember this is not your job... it is for you to have fun and feel good.
I encourage you to find joy in your workouts. Find what works for you. Set goals.... they keep you on track.
If you are runner... then
sign up for a 5k.
If you are power walker...
sign up for a walker friendly 5K ... they are out there.. and you will not be the only one walking... that is experience talking.
If you bike...find a great place to ride sign up for a 5 mile bike race.
If you like dancing... sign up for classes, get some dance tapes. or just turn your radio up and let loose.
If you like aerobic ... buy some tapes.
Just remember you are doing this for you and your alone!