Saturday, April 23, 2011

time to get back to normal for the mama

well as you saw in my last post that was over 2month ago ... i was going to be spending all my time with the Lady Falcons JV Softball team. And as you noticed I have not posted any new blog since the season began.
Well I am here now to tell you that in Falcon country the softball season is now DONE!!! Tonight was the last game.... whooop whoop.
Now don't get me wrong... I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching my youngest daughter play ball, but I have little time for anything else .... wake up, work, pick up from practice, wake up work , race to a game after work, go home relax for all of an hour, pick up at 930pm, ... you get the idea.... rinse, repeat... all week long.
After 2month this mama is ready for a break.

Laura my daughter

JV Falcons

hit that ball!!!

Now in this 2 month time I have still kept up my 5K and I even added a bike event to the mix.

Cowtown 5K Feb

joes 5K  run March

Susan G Koman 5K walk April

Hero's Ride April

 I also painted the kitchen. It is now time to add some color to my home... so this is the start.... not even close to finishing... because ...please reference  the first of the blog...LOL


So that is why I have not posted a blog in a while. ... just to busy to sit at the computer late night .... because i would have fallen asleep on the key board.....

 IN MOTION 2011..... LOVE YA

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