Sunday, March 11, 2012

Frumpy to Fabulous my Journey!!!

I just started reading this new book self- help book ...  Frumpy to Fabulous  Flaunting It by Natalie Jobity.
I saw and thought .... heck ya...I want to be able to flaunt my fabulous!!!

Sometime life you just hit that wall of blah. It is those personal demons that we all secretly deal with. We have all dealt with at one point in our life, there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Well time to be real. I am there. I am 44 and will be 45. I find my self waning a bit... in my confidence, who I want to be and how I want to be seen.

When the demon rears it ugly head how do I fight passed it? and defeat it. Right now it seems to win more that I do.... NOT ACCEPTABLE ANY MORE!!!
Some of the questions that I am asking my self is.... is what impression am I making on people.
What is my image that I am putting out there, does it line up with my goals. In other words; am I thinking one thing and doing another. I want my thinking a doing to be the same!!!

So my question to me is what makes me feel fabulous?????
Is the way I look in something?
Is it the way that I feeling doing something?
It it an attitude?
It is a state of mind?
It is the people I am around?
What is it??? 
What does fabulous look like? 

I guess it is time to go on a journey of sorts and find my fabulous get it back and then flaunt it.
If you want to come along too get the book ... it is on on your ereader)
I would love to here your thoughts and journey too.

On my way to Fabulous and keeping it real.

1 comment:

  1. What does Fabulous look like? It looks like LaBrett! I already think you're pretty fab, but there's nothing wrong with turning up the fabulousness quotient! Rock on, girl - take the journey by storm!!
